Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I love your venation


Main Entry: ve·na·tion
Pronunciation: \ve-'na-sh?n, ve-\
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin vena vein
Date: 1646
: an arrangement or system of veins (as in the tissue of a leaf or the wing of an insect)

this is a new series of work exploring the delicate nature of life. The nature of extinction, and how precious plant life, and animal life is. Each work is a celebration of nurture, and how we go about each day on this planet.

I've been thinking about donating some money from some of my sales for some time now, and I'm taking the plunge!  I'm not sure how many I will make - see how they go in the shop. I will donate $10.00 from each sale to the RSPCA.

I wish there was something in check out where the $10.00 could just go straight to the RSPCA, but I will have to do this manually.  I've never done this before, and not sure how it will go. If you've had experience in donating some of the profits from your work to a charity, I'd love to hear how it went, any hiccups, what you'd have done differently etc.

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