Thursday, November 19, 2009

a quiet day...

...i'm having a quiet day today, actually we're all having a quiet day today... is raining relentlessly outside, the park was flooded this morning and the wee man almost refused to go for his walk at all. he hates getting wet, he hates getting his paws wet especially. (but for some reason only drinks from a puddle if he's stood right in the middle of it ~ don't ask me, i've got no idea how his wee brain works sometimes!?) but he endured, and after his twenty minute ordeal he was dried off, popped in his bed with a blanket over him and is now happily snoozing away the afternoon...

...he's not the only one, we also have my man at home today. he's also snoozing away the afternoon, but not the good kind of afternoon snooze that is usually enjoyed on a lazy sunday afternoon. no, he's feeling extremely sorry for himself and very poorly indeed as he was up all night worshipping the 'porcelain gods' with some nasty winter vomiting bug...
...and me? well, i'm feeling a wee bit fuzzy around the edges today, a wee bit sleepy and a lot like i don't want to do very much at all. i've got a pile of crocheting to do but i think that can wait, instead i have pottered about here on my blog... first i thought of just tweaking a few things, doing a bit of tidying up and rearranging. but before i knew it i was redesigning, paring back and de-cluttering. i know i did a wee re-vamp just the other week but i wasn't perfectly happy with it, it still felt cluttered and fussy. so this morning, after pondering over the 'look' i wanted to achieve, i came to this layout. lots of clean lines an lots of white interspersed with splashes of yummy colours...

...i think there is probably a wee bit more tweaking to be done, some of those widgets aren't sitting as nicely as i'd like and some of them may get the boot all together. i think i'll look at again in a few days with fresh eyes and a much less sleepy head. even then i'm sure there will be some wee niggle that i won't be able to leave alone...


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