Monday, February 21, 2011

DIY Design Felt Board for Babies

I loved felt boards when I was a kid, and when looking at some felt the other day, I thought it would be fun to make a simple felt board designed for babies. Infants, with their developing eyes, love to focus on high contrast shapes, so I used black and light cream for my felt colors. But you could create more colorful shapes, and even a bigger board, if your child is older.

To make one, just find some cardboard. (Non-corrugated works best, like a shoebox, cereal box, or back of a sketch pad.) My cardboard measured 12x6 inches. Then cut two pieces of felt that are the same size, and glue them to each side of the cardboard. (I used non-toxic stick glue.) Press it under some heavy books while the glue dries. Then cut out some shapes! My shapes were about 4 inches tall.

For infants, I would just hold the board in front of them, and show them how the pieces can move and stick. Let them feel the soft felt, etc. Even leave it propped up somewhere in their room for them to look at. When they get older, they can develop their motor skills by placing the pieces on the board themselves. Fun!

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