Wednesday, January 26, 2011

while we're on the subject...

...of winter colours, here are some of my favourites from last weeks 'Winter Colours Week' over on Poppytalk...


line 1~ red: 1. RitaFinn, 2. linaloo1, 3. la.daridari, 4. ethanollie, 5. artstreamstudios;
line 2 ~ white: 1.
knitalatte11, 2. Maggie Marsek, 3. CozyMemories, 4. jennyndesign, 5. kristin~mainemomma;
line 3 ~ blue: 1.
knitalatte11, 2. Bekkah, 3. mary vican, 4. lucyjan, 5. jek in the box;
line 4 ~ green: 1.
quercus design, 2. IlluminatedPerfume, 3. domesticali, 4. Lizzie Staley, 5. Scarlett Design;
line 5 ~ gold and silver: 1.
CozyMemories, 2. xanthe berkeley, 3. Telling Stories / Hettle, 4. Telling Stories / Hettle, 5. artsymama

I love this wee feature that Jan runs to celebrate the changing colours of the seasons and I'm always fascinated with everyones interpretations of those colours. To see the all the other inspirational images submitted for this seasons edition check out the Flickr pool too.

I shall be back later to announce a winner of my wee giveaway... :)
Emma, x

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