Tuesday, June 14, 2011

a thrifty good day...

Okay, so today was not the thrifty good day. No, today was an iffy technology day...
First of all my camera was having a wee bit of an iffy morning giving me nice blank white pages instead of the pretty pictures I wanted! But after a lot of switching on and off again and re-booting I did manage to get it working and in a good enough mood to hand over said pictures... But of course, when I then tried to get those pretty pictures up onto Flickr, my browser decided to take the huff too and virtually refused to do anything for a couple of hours... everything seems to be working again, for the time being at least!
Although one good thing did come out of all this iffy-ness, I took it as a sign that I should back up all my files and photos (something I haven't done since January ~ eeek!) in ready-ness for a complete system failure... Ha! How's that for tempting fate, eh!?

vintage Coats crochet leaflets

So anyhoo, onto the thrifty good day... A day when I seemed to hit the jackpot in not one but two of my most favourite charity shops! When I say jackpot I really mean it because I scored a couple of lovely things that are near impossible to find, like these fabulous vintage crochet leaflets... You can walk into almost any charity shop and fall over piles of knitting patterns (mostly from the eighties) and wonky aluminium needles, but crochet patterns and hooks are like gold dust! So I was almost giddy when I rifled through the suspicious pastel mohair cardigans with shoulder pads to find these beauties... :)
Then in the very same shop I bagged myself yet another gorgeous glass find, this utterly beautiful amber glass tray... I haven't had the best light to photograph it properly (I've heavily edited that 'rainy day grey' out of this one!) but when I do I hope I can capture it's gorgeous gold reflections... so beautiful!

amber gold vintage glass tray thrifted Japanese Kokeshi

Of course after I had that much thrifty luck I wasn't holding out much hope for my second favourite charity shop. How wrong was I... !? Because waiting quietly at the back of a wee shelf were these two handsome Kokeshi... Who are generally just as elusive as crochet goodies, so as soon as I saw them snapped them up and didn't let go! Right now they are living quite happily on my studio shelves, fitting in perfectly and making friends with the other ladies up there... :) I now have seven of these wee lovelies up on that shelf, which makes me very happy as that is a mighty fine number for the start of an eventually large collection... ;)

studio shelf with vintage vases and Kokeshi finds

I also bagged a pretty nifty, blue and white enamel pie tin for 75p, but as that was crusted with the remnants of a very yummy, but messy, fish pie when I was taking these pics I didn't snap that for you... :)

Here's hoping that a wee bit of thrifty luck will find you... :)
Emma, x

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