Sunday, March 28, 2010

palette ~ spring sunshine...

...1. bubustudio, 2. chara*coco*, 3. lush bella, 4. tovemichelle12, 5. meandmypictures, 6. Paola: mirrormirror, 7. meplusmolly, 8. Planet Fur, 9. Kelty of Steep Street... may have noticed that i'm quite taken with the 'aqua and yellow' combo at the moment. it's such a perfect pairing for spring and i can't help but think of beautiful blue skies and bunches of bright yellow daffodils ~ bliss! you remember the 'colour palette generator' i mentioned a few weeks ago?
...well i've tried it a few times on some of the other mosaics i've made and it hasn't worked nearly as well as i hoped it would. it seems to work best with a group of images that have an even colouring, like the white one i originally tried it on. whereas with this mosaic it seemed to pick out lots of the more murky colours instead of focusing on the lovely yellows and blues. not that this isn't a lovely palette in itself, but it's not very springy is it? to get this wee swatch palette i mocked up my own version in photoshop. then got busy with the 'pipette' and 'paint bucket' tools and picked out a much fresher and more springy collection. the only thing it's missing is some fun and colourful names ~ any ideas!?

...wishing you all a sunny sunday afternoon :)

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