Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Vintage Kimono Fabric Sale at BiECO!

Anyone who has a deep love for the beautiful fabric and designs of vintage kimonos will not want to miss the Kimono Reincarnate sale at the BrisStyle Indie Eco Market! Melanie will be setting up shop in the centre of St Augustine's Church Hall with an extensive selection of kimono fabric and her very own gorgeous Kimono Reincarnate products.

"I'm very excited about the upcoming Eco market for a few reasons.

Firstly, it really makes me assess how "eco" I really am being with the pieces I make. I use re-purposed vintage kimono fabrics in most of my pieces but often combine them with other material. For this market, I'm really focussing on those that are mostly recycled or from sustainable material.

I've been having a great time folding and hand-stitching away, making my Japanese kanzashi flowers, all made from either vintage or antique kimono silks. They usually come in a cute little tin, but if at the Eco market, you choose for them to go "nude" you can take a little off their normal price."

"The first pieces from my new "Kyoto" range will be making their BrisStyle debut. These pieces are little Japanese Kokeshi dolls made from bamboo and vintage kimono silk with hand painted details. I love working with bamboo, firstly as it's a sustainable wood, but for me it also conjures up memories of the the bamboo forests in Kyoto and well, it's just so beautiful to the touch. So silky and smooth."

"The other reason I'm extra excited about the Eco market is that I get to share many of these gorgeous kimono fabrics. There will be fabric pieces big and small, full obis and full kimonos all for sale. While I've been sorting and bundling them, I sit and just breathe in their history, trying to imagine their past, who owned the kimono and where they wore it. I love sharing my love for these pieces and understand that glint in peoples' eyes as they find a fabric that really speaks to them. I love hearing the excited ideas for their use, or the hushed confessions of plans of adding it to the stash."

This is a once in a lifetime event for all fabric lovers! Only at the BrisStyle Indie Eco Market on Saturday 10 July, 9am-2pm at St Augustine's Church Hall and Grounds, Racecourse Road, Hamilton. BiECO is supported by Peppermint Magazine.

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