Thursday, June 24, 2010

The crafty world of Bubbachenille

This week the BrisStyle team caught up with the mother of all things chenille, Miriam of Bubba Chenille for a little chat about her fabulous wares.

How would you describe your work?

Funky and modern, creating smiles for passers by! After all, who of a certain age, hasn't had a chenille bedspread? When people see my work and realise what it's made from you can see the connection from realisation to smile!

How did your Etsy shop come into being?

I seem to recall Trish, from Trishalan Designs telling me all about Etsy and BrisStyle in 2008 when I first met her at The Handmade Expo Market, I got onto it straight away!

Who or what inspires you?

Well if I didn't say my family first and foremost I'd be in big trouble. After that I think simply the materials I work with are the inspiration!

Do you ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’ as part of your creative process?

All of the chenille I use is vintage, (the new stuff just isn't the same!) and I am now sourcing bedspreads further afield in the US, where there is more available, patterns and colours that you just don't see here. I also use vintage sheets in some of my work, they are nice and soft, all cotton and great for linings and trims. It is the part of my life where I am being a true recycler, not just a half hearted one like in other parts of my life!

Can you describe your studio / work area?

I have a separate studio detached from the home, in the backyard. We were getting sick of all the fluff in the house from the chenille, so when we were looking to relocate, this was something we had on our list of wants. I kind of go to work and come home every day now.

What is your favourite thing in the shop at the moment?

I love everything.

For more Bubba Chenille check out these hot spots:

Handmade Heaven

Thanks Miriam!

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