Saturday, November 1, 2008

HO HO HO - The BrisStyle Gift Pack Giveaway IS GO!!!!!

Christmas is often associated with stressed out department store crowds and crying kids being photographed on Santa's knee. And why do we do it? Because it is nice to give and receive. And Christmas is a chance to celebrate this. Seeing faces light up as we hand out presents, and receiving thoughtful gifts ourselves, most often makes all the pre-Christmas stress worth enduring.

So to celebrate the warm fuzzy side of the upcoming festive season (and to kick-start our own holiday cheer as we approach our first ever upcoming Christmas market) the BrisStyle team has put together three huge packs of handmade goodies from 17 BrisStyle members, to be given to three lucky random winners. And you don't have to elbow your way through any crowds to enter either!

"And what's the catch?" I hear you say. Well there's none, fair readers! Very simply, this is a promotional exercise for BrisStyle and its members, to showcase the quality and variety of our wares, and to make people aware of our blog, and our members' shops, which we hope you might visit. But you don't have to. No pressure. Really. We're just not like that.

To enter is simple.

Just leave a comment at the bottom of this post, answering the following question: "How Did You Hear About BrisStyle?" Simple as that. Winners will be posted on this blog on Monday 24th November and you will have a week to contact us to arrange the postage of your gift pack! Easy peasy :)

Please note that this giveaway is open to international readers as well as Aussies!!! The only people who cannot enter are BrisStyle members and their immediate family. Also, only one entry per person - just to be fair.

So what can I win?

Here it is folks - time for me to rub my hands together in glee and do a little happy dance as I show you the goodies to be won. Each gift pack is valued at over US $100, and they are all of equal quality, value and gorgeousness!

Drum roll please..... (now imagine a lovely assistant with a cheesy smile and an evening gown doing wonderful ballet-like display motions with her hands as we present these Sale of the Century....all classy like. Noice!)

You can click on the item name to view a larger image in Flickr, or click on the shop name to view the associated member's shop - go on, you know you want to ;)




So to quickly recap, here's all the essential details:

How To Enter: Answer the question: "How did you hear about BrisStyle?" in the comments section below.

Giveaway End Date: Entries will close on Friday 21st November midnight Aussie time. We will draw the winners at a special BrisStyle function on Saturday 22nd November, and the winners will be posted on Monday morning (24th November 2008).

Who Can Enter: Anyone (international readers as well) except for BrisStyle members and their immediate families.

Good luck everyone - and thanks for joining us in raising a bit of Christmas Spirit. And a merry merry pre-Christmas season to you all :)

The BrisStyle Team!

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