Saturday, February 21, 2009

Picture tag...

...the very sweet Sophie, of her library adventures, tagged me just the other day. thankfully it's a picture tag so i don't have to rack my brain to come up with yet more random facts ;)

...i know there a couple of these tags going about and the rules say you're supposed to pick the fourth pic from the sixth folder and so on... but once i started looking i got lost in all my old pics and eventually found this one of my studio before i renovated it (try not to notice the awful wood chip!). i completely forgot about having this frame on my wall and using it as a mood board to show off some of my postcard collection. hmm... i think this may be a plan for my sunday afternoon, find some nice white frames and freshen up my studio and ideas a little...

...i'm not going to tag anyone directly for this one, but if you've read this and feel like doing it yourself go ahead, and leave me a wee note...


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