Saturday, September 27, 2008

Corn Maze...or should I say Corn Daze!

Another fun filled day! Byron took today off (if you don't include getting up at the crack of dawn to get on a conference call, write a report and answer calls on his Blackberry, ha!) so we decided to go to Autumn Acres Corn Maze. This was about a 75 mile drive from the house but well worth the trip. They had this really cute petting zoo, bunnyville, playgrounds, hay ride, pumpkin patch and corn maze. Max really enjoyed running around the playground and jumping on the bales of hay. The corn maze was really long (something like 12 acres) and they had this cute little 8 question trivia game that by answering correctly would get you on the right trail. Well, after we stumbled upon question 2, twice, and it took us 30 minutes to find question 2...we decided to quit. Luckily, we back tracked and made it back to the farm. Not my cup of tea...but Max had a blast!
Enjoy the photos...there is actually one of me!
Until I find another peaceful moment...
Max and Mommy on the farm....

Max and the giant hay spider....

Look at Max...getting ready to pull the tail of that Cat Daddy....

In the daze of the corn maze....

Look at all those pumpkins...

Max loved this giant tunnel...all the kids would pile inside and then one of them would roll it....all the kids would turn around and around until they got tossed broken bones!!

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