Wednesday, May 25, 2011

thrifty finds...

Hi guys... :)
So yesterday's wild winds reached a destructive 100mph across Scotland. So far there has only been one report of a casualty due to a fallen tree, which is incredible considering the number of trees that have been uprooted or literally ripped apart by the force of the winds. You can see what I mean from some of the pictures in this gallery. Thankfully things have been a wee bit calmer today with lighter winds and not much rain to speak of. Apart from a few large fallen branches I haven't seen much damage around our part of the city. Hopefully the forecast will improve over the next few days... and then our worries can turn to yet another Icelandic volcanic ash cloud that is heading our way... Crazy!

Anyhoo, I though you might like a wee peek at a couple of thrifty finds I picked up this weekend. The first is this delicious, granny chic jug I spied in a local charity shop window. Can you believe I almost didn't bring her home because of the £5 price tag!? I dithered over her for far longer than the lovely lady in the shop wanted me to. But in the end I decided she was far too pretty not to bring home and after a good scrub up this lovely is now sitting in my fridge doing a perfect job of keeping my lemon water chilled... :)

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The other find that I am most chuffed with is this yummy mint glass bowl that was waiting just for me at a flea market in the old Drill Hall, Dalmeny Street. This lovely lady cost me the grand sum of £1, bargain! So now I have a lovely pair of perfectly granny chic glass bowls that I'm finding deliciously photogenic. I am completely in love with the shapes and textures in this glass...

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Btw, if you're in Edinburgh the next flea market will be on Saturday 18th June at the Drill Hall. It's free entry and there are some great stalls with some great vintage finds ~ furniture, knick-knacks, linens and lots of vintage clothes too... so be prepared to leave with armfuls of goodies!

Have a great day my lovelies,
Emma, x

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