Friday, April 22, 2011

lots of blossom and a birthday...

Hello my dears... :)

Today is such a lovely day... we seem to have never ending sunny weather, it is unseasonably warm and the blossom trees are still in full swing as the distinct lack of April showers hasn't cut them down in their prime, which can happen all too often here. This is just a wee peek at some of the prettiest ones in our local park this morning...

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Today is a very special day too... not only is there all this loveliness to be enjoyed but there is also a birthday to be celebrated as my wee man turns six today! Which means lots of singing 'Happy Birthday' and all kinds of doggy treats wrapped up in layer upon layer of newspaper. If there is one thing my wee man loves it is his food and the second thing on his list would be ripping open parcels! Often he's not hugely interested in what is inside those parcels, unless of course it is food, but he does get a ridiculous amount of enjoyment from ripping paper... :)

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Now I'm off to fish out those rogue pieces of ripped newspaper from under the sofa before I retreat back into my wee studio to continue with the epic tidy up... Which became so epic because I thought it was about time I had a proper clear out instead of just shuffling stuff from one place to another! I have been sorting and sifting through so much gumpf that I had forgotten I had in there, much of it left over from my designing days and a lot of which I don't think I have a need for anymore... such as a huge heat press that has done nothing but gather dust for the last couple of years! But by doing this it almost feels like I'm giving myself a fresh start and the freedom to consider new ideas..........

Wishing you all the most fabulous day,
Emma, x

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