Thursday, April 28, 2011

stitch n' bitch

I'm not sure why, but there is just something about repetitively pulling a needle and thread through cloth that makes me want to chat. It's been yonkers since I've been to a stitch n' bitch and now that I've taken up the needle and hoop again, I feel the need to get some ladies together for some down home crafting and some not so wholesome gossip.

I've tried joining a few local craft 'circles' but found the atmosphere a bit uninspiring and left feeling like I hadn't really gotten anything out of it. I was recently talking to a crafty/blogging friend who was saying that she had experienced the same thing as well. So it seems that social dynamics are often awkward to begin with and it obviously  takes a group time to develop those relationships to a point where the conversation is easy and uncensored. What happens then, when you want to get stuck right into it and can't be bothered with those awkward and tentative getting to know you conversations? Is it even possible to organise a stitch n' bitch that is just that, a stitch and a bitch?

So, I would like to organise a Stitch n' Bitch, for rude, friendly, highly social types with big mouths and even bigger opinions. If you live in Melbourne and would be interested in coming along, leave a comment and over then next month I'll set about organising one for a weekend in June.

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