Monday, April 27, 2009

Neighborhood Art Party FUN!

What a great, sunny day for an ART PARTY! Byron and I went to Home Depot and bought 1x2 pieces of wood and painter's canvas drop cloth. Saturday, Byron cut and pieced together frames and I stretched the drop cloth around the frames and stapled it! They turned out perfect. I also bought some smaller "ready" made packages of canvases for some extra painting. Max and I made invitations and dropped them at the front doors of our neighborhood friends...the party was all set for Sunday at 2:30! This was Max's first party...he kept asking if it was his birthday (so cute!).

Byron cutting the wood into frames, he then glued, nailed and stapled the frames.

I then laid the frames on the canvas drop cloth and cut out squares. I then pulled and stretched the canvas and stapled it in place. Each canvas cost about $8 for a 2'x2' size frame.


Sunday morning I cleaned out the garage and rolled out newspaper print paper (contact your newspaper for the extra rolls of print. They are free!) and taped it to the garage floor. I set out all the markers, crayons, glue and sponges. I also set up Max's little table for coloring books. I made fruit kabobs and popcorn for snacks. I stapled ribbon to the back of the canvases and wrapped them around the fence. I used plastic cups with ribbon tied around the fence for cleaning brushed and alluminum cupcake tins to hold the paint...the party was all set!

We moved the patio table around back for some extra shade. I set up a table with all the supplies and Max's little table for colorbooks.

This is the newspaper taped down to the floor. All the canvases hung perfectly on the fence and were at a great level for painting.


The kids had a blast! They started in the garage with markers and then they moved outside to painting. What little budding artist we have in our neighborhood! Max painted for a few seconds and then he was back to playing soccer!

What a fun friends and a fun day! I am worn out...


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