Tuesday, December 8, 2009

i've only gone and done it... !

...i've only gone and bagged myself a treasury spot ~ woohoo!

...a warming glow ~ for the festive season...

...i couldn't believe my luck last night when i checked the treasury clock and it declared that the treasury west would be 'opening soon'...
...of course i dropped everything and hot footed it over there only to find that soon actually meant not in the next hour at least! so being a good girl i decided to get a wee bit of the housework done while i waited, rather than window shopping on etsy which i probably do far too much of anyway ;)
...so anyway, about an hour later with a much tidier house and only two minutes to spare i sat myself down with a cuppa, bagged myself a treasury and spent a very lovely hour browsing etsy, picking my faves, arranging and rearranging until i was happy with this seasonal and cosy collection :)
...simple pleasures!


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