Sunday, November 1, 2009

Book Review: Jack Daniel's Spirit of Tennessee Cookbook Volume 1 & Giveaway


Jack Daniel's Spirit of Tennessee Cookbook Volume 1
by Lynne Tolley & Pat Mitchamore
Thomas Nelson Publisher (ISBNs: 1558530010 / 9781558530010)

I am so excited for the opportunity to review Jack Daniel's Spirit of Tennessee Cookbook Vol 1.  I am not only excited because I love cookbooks, food and Jack but because I lived in a small town right beside Lynchburg, TN which is home to the Jack Daniel's Distillery.  Jack Daniel's is not just about whiskey. It's about food, family and community.  This is truly an American iconic brand.

Picture 1

After flipping through the many recipes what really stuck out was the pictures of the people and places that the authors chose to spotlight.  There is so much rich history in middle Tennessee and Jack Daniels has been a huge part of this history.  This book sets out to capture the "spirit" of this relationship and delivers very nicely.  If you or anybody you know has ties to Middle Tennessee, Jack Daniels or loves good home cooking, then this is the book for them.

Two recipes to note:
Cafe Daniel (page 13)
Jack Daniel's Chocolate Velvet Cake (page 156)

Book Description from Publisher: The rich tradition of country cooking, the distinctive taste of Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey, and the heritage of rural America are all elegantly captured in Jack Daniel's The Spirit of Tennessee Cookbook. Included are more than 350 recipes, stunning full-color photographs, and stories of the people, places, and traditions of Middle Tennessee. Illustrated and indexed.

A special thanks to Thomas Nelson for sending me this book to review.  One lucky commenter will receive my review copy (My copy is paperback with Jack Daniel's Logo on the cover). Just leave me a comment to enter (make sure your email address is tied to your comment). Contest ends Thursday, Nov. 8th.


You can buy Jack Daniel's Spirit of Tennessee Cookbook Volume 1 from Amazon, and Barnes & Noble.


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