Tuesday, October 12, 2010

lamps lamps everywhere, nor any light to switch!

I wanted to re-wire these lamp myself and was told that you could buy the kits from that insidious hell hole of a hardware chain, let's call it 'Cunnings'. After braving the 'Cunnings' car park, being reversed into by a trailer driven by an 'L' plater and beating the aisles for an eternity looking for a staff member to help me I was finally informed that 'Cunnings' no longer stock lamp re-wiring kits and they had 'just sold the last one actually', DAMN IT! Now I have to either find the kits somewhere else (so far no luck) or decide if I really need 5 pretty but non functioning lamp bases. Has anyone else re-wired their own lamp? Surely it can't be that hard? Mr 'No more crap in the house , thanks' want's me to send them to heaven, but I am not yet prepared to let go. 

p,s The big blue and brown lamp is by Australian pottery house Ellis and has a matching ashtray, AWESOME TOWN!

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