Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My 2010 Gotta Do List

1.  Buy something off Craig's List. Yes, some of you seasoned Craigers are probably laughing, but I am so intimidated. I hate calling and I dread having to drive to some strangers house to pick up an item.

2. Refinish Furniture. This one goes hand-in-hand with #1.

3. Go to Church Regularly and join a Sunday School class.

4. The Couch to 5K Running Plan.

5.  Learn Upholstery.

6.  Take a Wood Working Class.

7.  Enroll Max in Chef's Academy Classes.

8.  Buy or Make a Rain Barrel.

10. Buy a Piano (again #1).

12. Buy Bunk Beds and Re-do Max's Room.

13. Buy or Create a Chore & Behavior Chart for Max (AbbiesHouse, MsBeehaveDesigns or MadeByMommie).

14. Financial Peace Jr. for Max.

16. Read Visual Poetry.

**Sorry I have been absent the last couple of days. The holidays, vacation and Max have finally caught up with me and I have not had time for any "computer time".  BUT don't worry, I have lots of fun and inspiring ideas ready to post.  Max goes back to school tomorrow (Yippee!).**

Happy New Year, Friends!!

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