Friday, December 4, 2009

Glass Magnets turned into Rings - Minus the Magnets!

Glass Magnet Rings

1. If you ever need any kind of jewelry crafting stuff (& much more). Order from this company They totally rock and look how they addresses my package: To The Fabulous...Christy Bright.  I ordered the adjustable rings HERE.

2. what you need:
1/2" or bigger glass floral thingies (you know, the ones with a flat side)
Glue (I am using bead/glass glue from craft store)
Small pictures (I found some using google and printed them out)

3. Trace small circles and cut out. You want the picture a tad bit smaller than the glass marble.

4. Glue face down to top of marble. Let dry. Let dry. Let dry.

5. I can't figure out why I am showing you this picture again?

6. Glue rings to back of picture. Let dry. Let dry. Let dry.

7 & 8. These suckers are hard to photograph but the kids love'em!

Have fun.

You can read my post on Glass Magnets HERE.


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