Tuesday, July 14, 2009

name that pot holder...

...well that was an interesting week, quite the pot holder frenzy wasn't it!? ~ well, maybe not for you, but it certainly was for me!
...and to everyone who left a lovely message of support and love for my wall of pot holders ~ thank you and have a big hug from me! ~ your response was quite overwhelming and unexpected... :)

...and now lets get down to business ~ it's the all new 'name that pot holder' give away...

...today i have spent my afternoon pottering away on this daisy motif pot holder ~ i'm using a cotton yarn in the most beautiful faded blackberry colour, which will be trimmed with an equally lovely rusty red...
...if you're interested in adding this little lady to your own collection, or if you'd like to start your own wall of pot holders, all you need to do name her ~ just leave a wee comment on this post with the name you would give her and why ~ simple!
...then in one week i will decide which is my favourite and announce the winner ~ and if i can't decide (you may all be pot holder naming genii* for all i know!) i'll do some kind of random pick from my favourites... :)

...so best get your thinking caps on my friends ;)


* according to Wiki genii is the correct plural of genius when referring to individuals, although i think i prefer geniuses... it sounds more cuddly!

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