Monday, July 13, 2009

Could You Live in 450 Sq. Ft.?

How about I told you that the 450 sq. ft. was in a chic Soho apartment?  I could so do this...

Effiecentcy Winter 08


Pages 4-5

Now, don't get me wrong. I have stayed in hotel rooms bigger than this apartment and complained.  There is just something dreamy about simplifying your life.  Could you downsize your belongings and move into 450 sq. ft.?  After the mayhem we experienced called Hurricane Katrina, I learned a very valuable lesson and was very surprised at my reaction to losing so much. Yes, I can walk away from it all. 


(Article and pictures courtesy of DIY, Winter 2008. Words: Grant Fairchild, Photographs: Marco Ricca, Producer: Diana Ricca, Illustrations: Ann Weiss)

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