Thursday, February 19, 2009

Where has the week gone...

...i can't believe it's thursday already! so many lovely and pretty things to blog about...

...firstly, a huge thank you to the lovely Linda, of stripeymonkey - you know, the button lady who makes the gorgeous jewellery ;) Linda wrote a lovely post for me last week after snapping up one of my embroidered cards, i hope Mr.Stripeymonkey loved it too :)

...also, i found out that last week another of my cards was featured in a treasury by Julia of materialised, check out her etsy shop for some really cute little purses and pin cushions...

...and, one of my cushions made it to the etsy front page - yay!

...oops, edited to add - how could i forget that my stunning red treasury made it to the etsy front page too!!! thank you to everyone who sent a message letting me know, fortunately i was sat at my computer at the time and saw it with my very own eyes - yay and double yay :)
... onto this week, where i have lots of knitting and crochet ideas going on. this was the state of my creative space this morning...

...a mass of little crochet flowers, some of which will be making up a custom etsy order, maybe some for cards and a few for my kids designs. a new batch of swing tags for sending off with orders and just in the corner there you can see 'ruby' waiting patiently for her buttons - she's gone red with embarrassment at being snapped in such a state! she is with buttons and stuffing looking much happier, now she is waiting patiently in my etsy shop for someone to give her a new home...

finally, this week i've also managed to get another two scarf patterns written up and in my Ravelry store, you can see 'Beryl' and 'Vivienne' in the left hand column of this page. i'm so excited about the prospect of others wanting to knit up my ideas, i can't wait till some pics are posted :) i'm off to finish those flowers, chart a couple of knitting pattern ideas, catch up on some blog reading and take a well earned tea and chocolate break...

x - thanks for tagging me sophie, i'll get onto it soon :)

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