Thursday, November 13, 2008

No Crying in the Dentist Chair & It Only Cost Me a Darth Vader!

Wow....what a difference 6 months make! It was 6 months ago today that 3 adults had to hold Max down in the dentist chair. He would scream and cry & become hysterical. In fact, it had gotten so bad that I was going to never take Max to the dentist again. I was going to let those little teeth rot. However, the Dentist had reassured me. He told me that one day soon, Max would walk up in the office like nothing had ever happened and sure enough today it happened....not even a whimper. Max was so cooperative that they were able to take a full set of x-rays...which leads me to my next point...we are now accepting donations for Max's future orthodontist work (Paypal, cash and check are accepted).

My baby is growing up and it only cost me a Darth Vader action figure!

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