Saturday, November 15, 2008

The humble granny square...

...well, i added a few more corners and made them into granny octagons...

...i've only just noticed that i haven't really posted anything about my knitting or crochet projects! these are destined to be cushion covers to go in my studio somewhere - my man won't have them on the sofa, he said he doesn't like that kind of pattern, they're a bit 'granny-ish', i just had to giggle ;)

...the pattern for the basic octagon is so simple, once you've done the first three rounds the rest takes care of itself. all you need to think about is the yarn and colour combinations you want...

...i've worked these with dk yarn on a 4mm hook, but as the pattern keeps itself really flat without blocking i think it could be worked with any weight of yarn. i love the idea of a rug using a really huge chunky yarn, but i think my man may object a little ;)

...the yarn i've used here is rowan linen drape (now discontinued) so i'm hoping they will be hard wearing and last a good while. i'll post another pic once the cushions are made up, i need another pad first...


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