Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Driving me mad...

...those two little inconspicuous t-shirts sitting on my desk this morning! yes they look all colourful and smug posing for this pic, but up close and personal they're a completely different story. i've been fighting with them for the last few days, but today i lost the battle :(

...but i will have the last laugh when i strip them of all their goodies and drop them in the bin - maniacal laugh!!!
...and the moral of today's story - 'make sure you have a solid idea before you start' emma lamb, 5th nov 2008...

...ah well, now it's time to move on to ideas for spring - 2010... of the things i love about starting a new season is sorting through all those piles of perfectly (yeah right!) folded fabric swatches and putting together colour themes and ideas. but before that, the rest of my studio, that you thankfully can't see in this pic, needs a damn good tidy up! there's also a tax return screaming for my attention too :(

...wish me luck...

...edited to add - well done america! whatever you thought of president bush he did take the heat off prince philip for a while - read the captions too, they make it ;)

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