Thursday, November 6, 2008

Cuteness overdose...

...teddy bears, butterflies, puppies, flowers, kittens, cute little woodland creatures - all neatly stitched in beautiful colours. when i design my kids stuff i'm usually following a fairly tight set of rules - just the right combination of colours and shapes mixed with a huge dose of adorable cuteness...

...but every now and then i need to do something different with my embroidery, something more personal and something a bit more emotionally involved. but quite often i feel financially pressured into ignoring this need...

...this piece is part of a small series i did a few months ago (they're in the embroideries set of my flickr account). i did these because i really wanted to explore fabric, colour and texture in a way that designing kids stuff doesn't let me. i've always loved the idea of layering in artworks, so that in the finished piece you see glimpses of lots of ideas, thoughts or messages...

...i'm really pleased with this whole set, i'm planning to hang them in my studio to remind me to stay involved with my craft and not to get bogged down with the 'rules'...

...but to help with the financial pressure i've started to explore these same ideas and needs with greeting cards. this scale means i can work for a spare hour or two and get something achieved. i haven't started selling any yet, in fact i've only shown them to a couple of friends. the next time we get some good light i'll get pics of the rest of the cards...

...i'd love to hear any of your thoughts - constructive criticism is always welcome :)


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